
About the project

V4DevCo - V4 Development Cooperation Trialogue:
Reinforcing Synergies, Sharing Good Practices

The Visegrad states (V4) have been participating in the EU development funding programs but the level of their participation is relatively low. They often face similar difficulties and are aware that stronger engagement of non-state development actors can help them to overcome the constraints of their limited resources and capacities, as well as to better distribute risks and build synergies.

By developing the V4DevCo Guide and a series of workshops, the V4DevCo project not only reinforces the capacities of V4 actors in implementing development projects financed by the EU but also raises awareness of the citizens on this sphere of V4 activity.

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V4DevCo Guide

The V4DevCo Guide will include a set of guidelines and recommendations and will be developed jointly by representatives of all project direct target groups during the workshops with the participation and support of experts from the EU and partner countries. The study will comprise such elements as:

  • an analysis of the current situation and problems in the field of the participation of V4 non-state actors in EU development funding programs;
  • good practices from relatively successful EU member states in this field;
  • presentation of experience, needs and expectations of the non-state actors from the partner countries concerning further cooperation with actors from the V4 countries;
  • guidelines and recommendations.
The Guide will be available for download at the V4DevCo website after the finalization of the project activities (July 2023).
